Monday, 25 May 2020

The data layer

Google Tag Manager functions best when deployed alongside a data layer. A data layer is a JavaScript object that is used to pass information from your website to your Tag Manager container. You can then use that information to populate variables and activate triggers in your tag configurations.

Rather than referencing variables, transaction information, page categories, and other important signals scattered throughout your page, Tag Manager is designed to easily reference information that you include in your data layer source code. Implementation of a data layer with variables and associated values, ensures that they will be available as soon as you need them to fire tags.

When you set up your website or mobile app to work with Tag Manager and a data layer, think about what categories of information the data layer should handle, such as:

  • Product data: Product name, price, category
  • Marketing campaign information: Traffic source, medium
  • Transaction data: Cart value, checkout date
  • Customer information: New or returning customer

Create a data layer variable

Data layer variables enable Tag Manager to read values from your data layer implementation and pass those values to tags, triggers, and other variables. A data layer object is made up of a list of key/value pairs. A key is a category of things – a book's category, title, or author. Each key could have different values. A book's title key could have a value of 'Ulysses', 'War in Peace', 'A Brief History of Time', etc.

Add data layer code to your web page

To set up your data layer, work with a developer to add the following snippet of code to the <head> section of your web page above your container snippet:

  dataLayer = [];

Add information to the data layer with the dataLayer.push() command:

<a href="#" onclick="dataLayer.push({
    'bookCategory': 'fiction',
    'bookTitle': 'Cien años de soledad',
    'bookAuthor': 'Gabriel García Márquez'
});">Book details</a>

Set up the data layer variable

Once you have the key that you would like to work with, you can proceed to create a data layer variable:
  • Click Variables.
  • Under User-Defined Variables, click New.
  • Click Variable Configuration and select Data Layer Variable as the variable type.
  • In the Data Layer Variable Name field, enter the key exactly as it was written in the code (e.g. bookTitle, not book title.)
  • In most cases you should leave the Data Layer Version set to the default value of Version 2. Learn more.
  • Save the variable.
  • Repeat these steps for every data layer key that you would like to have available as a variable in Tag Manager.
  • Publish the container.

Publishing, versions, and approvals

Publish containers

When you publish a container, Tag Manager will make your changes active for the environment specified. If you've added or edited tags, triggers, and variables in a workspace, you will need to publish those changes to make those changes operational on your website or mobile app.

To publish your current workspace:

  • Click Submit at the top right hand side of the screen. The Submit Changes screen will appear, with options to publish the container and save a version of your container.
  • Select Publish and Create Version if it is not already selected.
  • Review the Workspace Changes section to see if your configuration appears as you expect.
  • Enter a Version Name and Version Description.
  • If you have Tag Manager configured to use multiple environments, use the Publish to Environment section to select which environment you'd like to publish to.
  • Click Publish.


A version is a snapshot of a container configuration at a particular time. You can save the current state of a workspace as a version at any time. This enables you to revert your workspace back to a previous version if necessary.

Versions can make it easier to recover from mistakes. For example: If someone accidentally publishes a container version before it's ready for production, you can revert your workspace to an earlier version and publish it.

Users with Approve access or higher can create versions. Every time a container is published, a version of that container is recorded.

To save the current workspace as a version before it is published:
  • Click Submit. The Submit Changes screen will appear, with options to publish or save a version. (Google Marketing Platform customers will see an additional option to Request Approval.)
  • Click Create Version.
  • Enter a Version Name and Version Description.
  • Click Create.
To publish a previously saved version of a container to the site:
  • Click Versions.
  • Click the desired version in the table.
  • Click Action and then Publish.
Tag Manager maintains a publish history, so you can see when versions were live and who published them. To see the publish history, go to Versions and look for entries with a date in the Published column.

To replace the current container version with a previously saved version:
  • Click Versions.
  • Click the Actions menu next to the desired container version.
  • Select Set as Latest Version.
This replaces the current container draft with the content of the selected container version. You may then make any additional modifications to the container draft, and publish your changes when ready.

To publish a specific version from the Versions screen: Identify the version you'd like to publish and then select Publish To... from the Actions menu.

When you publish or create a version, enter a Version Name and Description that will make it easy to know what changes are being made. For example:
  • Version name: "GA page view tag - initial launch"
  • Description: "Launch the Google Analytics pageview tag on


This feature is only available in Google Tag Manager 360, which is included in the Google Marketing Platform.

Containers owned by Tag Manager 360 accounts can add approvals to their workflow. Users with Edit access or higher will see an additional option to request approval to publish changes that they have made.

Request approval

To request approval for changes made to a workspace:
  • Click Submit.
  • Select Request Approval.
  • Optional: Click Choose Approver to identify someone to review and approve your request.
  • Optional: Use the Comment section to add a descriptive comment to help an approver understand the requested changes.
  • Click Request.
If you are using a workspace that has a pending approval, you will see a banner that indicates the workspace is pending approval status. Click View Request to see the changes as they were requested.

Approve requests

The Approvals page will list all approval requests that have been submitted for a given container. These items will include requests to publish workspaces, approve External Account Links, and add tags pushed from Campaign Manager. When there are requests pending approval, the Approvals tab will have an indicator next to it:
  • A blue circle means there are open requests that are either assigned to another user, or are available for anyone to review and approve.
  • A red circle means there are open requests assigned specifically for you to review.
To review and approve or reject an approval request:
  • Click the Approvals tab.
  • Click the name of the entry to be approved.
  • Review the details of the request.
  • Optional: To assign a specific approver, click Choose Approver.
  • Optional: To add comments to a request, click Add Comment.
  • Click Approve to approve the request, Send Back to deny the request and have the original submitter make further edits, or Withdraw to cancel a request.


A Google Tag Manager workspace allows you to create multiple sets of changes for your container. Team members can work on changes in separate workspaces to independently develop their own tag configurations. This feature helps with version control by enabling you to revert changes to a previous workspace configuration, and helps prevent teammates from inadvertently publishing someone else's unfinished changes.

Every time you make changes to a container, you are making those changes in a workspace. Every container creates a default workspace. You can add up to two additional workspaces for regular accounts, and can create an unlimited number of workspaces for Tag Manager 360 accounts.

When to create a new workspace

A workspace in Tag Manager is a place to work on a set of changes that will become a version. Create a new workspace when you want to develop and test tag configurations separately from your main production tag configurations, or when you have multiple users that work on different tag configurations.

Each container has one stream of versions. When a new version is created, each workspace will display a notification that the workspace is out of date, with a prompt to update the workspace.

When a workspace is versioned or published, its name, notes and list of changes will be recorded with the version. The workspace is then removed. The default workspace will be recreated after it is versioned or published.

Manage workspaces

Use the Workspaces page to create a new workspace, switch to a different workspace, or remove an existing workspace.

To create a new workspace:
  • In the left navigation, click the Current Workspace menu.
  • In the upper right corner of the Workspaces page, click Add Add.
  • Enter a name and description for the new workspace. The workspace name and description may later become the version name and version description, so establish a meaningful naming scheme that reflects the objectives of the workspace. For example: "New Floodlights for Q1", "Updated Google Analytics for Q2", etc.
  • Click Save.
To switch to a different workspace:
  • In the left navigation, click the Default Workspace menu.
  • on the Workspaces page, select a workspace from the list.
To remove a workspace:
  • In the left navigation, click the Default Workspace menu.
  • Click Info Information to the right of the workspace you want to delete.
  • Click More Actions More in the upper right corner and select Delete.
Tag Manager 360 customers can create an unlimited number of workspaces. All other users may have up to three concurrent workspaces: A default workspace, and two custom workspaces.

Update workspaces

When you have multiple workspaces in use, any given workspace may become out of date with changes that were made elsewhere in the container. To update a workspace:
  • When you attempt to publish a workspace and changes from another version have been found, Tag Manager will show a notification that states "This workspace is out of date. It will be updated automatically if you proceed."
  • Click Update Workspace to view a list of unmerged versions.
  • In the list of unmerged versions, click an entry to view what changes were made in that version.
  • Click Update to merge in the changes.
A workspace update will bring in any changes that have been made in other versions of the container since your last update. If any of these changes conflict with changes in the current workspace, the conflicts will be shown and you will be prompted to resolve them.

Resolve conflicts

The Workspace Overview page displays a “Conflict found” message if any conflicts are identified. Select Resolve conflicts to bring up the conflict resolution tool.

You can resolve them one at a time. The configuration of the latest synced version is shown on the left, and the configuration in the current workspace is shown on the right. Each conflict is highlighted, and the color of the highlighting indicates the nature of the conflict:
  • Blue: A modification has been made between the latest synced version and the current workspace.
  • Red: A modification in the latest synced version is not present in the current workspace.
  • Green: A modification in the current workspace is not present in the latest synced version.
For each conflict, decide whether to ignore the change from the latest synced version or copy the change from the latest synced version. You can use Resolve All to ignore all the changes from the latest synced version. Once all conflicts are resolved, save your changes. Repeat this process for any other conflicts.

When the current workspace is versioned or published, any changes from the latest synced version that have been ignored are overwritten with the changes in the current workspace.

Best practices for workspace management

Keep changes small: Create a workspace for each set of changes that are related and that will be published at the same time. For example, you might work on the tags, triggers, and variables for an initial deployment of Google Analytics pageview tags in one workspace, but work on the configuration of Google Analytics event tracking tags in a separate workspace.

Use workspaces to group common changes: If you have an agency that works on both Google Analytics and Floodlight tags, use two workspaces to keep the configurations separate. This allows you to publish tags in a controlled order, and will make your version history clearer.

Use workspaces to manage teams: Have each team or individuals work in separate workspaces. Additionally, each team or individual may have more than one workspace for different sets of changes.

Use consistent, descriptive naming practices: When a container is published or a version is saved, enter a Version Name and Description that will make it easy to know what changes were made. For example:
  • Version name: "GA page view tag initial launch"
  • Description: "Launch the Google Analytics page view tag on"
Use workspaces to test a configuration: Workspaces can be used to test changes without the risk of someone else accidentally publishing your work. You can use a workspace as a sandbox to try out changes to your container configuration. If you choose not to publish the changes in that workspace, you can save the workspace for later reference or delete it.

Custom templates

How Do I Add a Custom Template to Google Tag Manager? 

1. Download the GTM template.

2. Open the Templates Menu in GTM.

3. Create a new Tag Template

4. Click on the 3-dot-menu to open the additional settings.

5. Choose ‘Import’ and upload the GTM template for LinkedIn event tracking.

6.  Exit the Template Editor and begin using the Custom Template in your next tag.

Congratulations, the LinkedIn Event Pixel is now part of your available tag types.

Using Element Visibility Trigger In Google Tag Manager

Finding elements on a web page

To do that, GTM provides the following two selection methods while configuring an ‘element visibility’ trigger:

1. ID : Use the ID selector, if you have got only one type of HTML element to
find/track and that element has got the ‘ID’ attribute.

2. CSS Selector : Use the CSS selector, if you have got multiple HTML elements to
track and/or the element you want to find does not have the ‘ID’ attribute.

For example:

Here the element visibility trigger will fire only when all of the following
elements appear in a viewport:

1. the element with class =intro
2. <h1> element
3. <p> element

When to fire this trigger

You get the option ‘When to fire this trigger’ when you are setting up an ‘element visibility trigger’ in GTM:

#1 Once per page – Select this option if you want the element visibility trigger to fire only once on the current page when a matched element or one of the matched elements become visible in a viewport.

#2 Once per element – Select this option if you want the element visibility trigger to fire only once per matched element which becomes visible in a viewport.

Note: If multiple elements have the same ID attribute, only the first matched element will fire the trigger (unless it is subsequently removed by an observed DOM change).

#3 Every time an element appears on the screen – Select this option if you want the element visibility trigger to fire every time a matched element becomes visible in a viewport.

Minimum percent visible

‘Minimum percent visible’ is the minimum area of a matched element(s) that must visible in a viewport before the element visibility trigger fires.

You set this option while setting up the element visibility trigger:

The default value of ‘Minimum percent visible’ is 50% i.e. at least 50% of a matched element(s) must appear in a viewport before the element visibility trigger fires.

Minimum on-screen duration

Minimum on-screen duration is the minimum amount of time (measured in milliseconds) for which a selected element(s) must remain visible in a viewport.

You set this option while setting up the element visibility trigger:

Observe DOM changes

You set this option while setting up the element visibility trigger:

Here you are telling GTM to fire the element visibility trigger only when there is some change in DOM.

A DOM changes whenever new element(s) are dynamically added to DOM or existing element(s) are dynamically removed from DOM.

Use case for element visibility trigger

To accomplish this task, follow the steps below:

Step-1: Navigate to one of the blog post pages, say:

Step-2: Scroll down the page unless you see the following banner ad:

Now I need to capture the element(s) which is the banner ad. I can do that by finding the CSS selector
of this element.

Step-3: Install the chrome extension called ‘SelectorGadget‘ for finding the CSS selector of a page

Step-4: Click on the ‘SelectorGadget’ icon (at the top right-hand side of the browser window) in order to turn on the extension:

Step-5: Now select the ‘banner ad’ and note down the corresponding CSS Selector, displayed in the
‘selectorGadget’ tool:

In my case, the CSS selector is: .images

Step-6: Turn off the ‘SelectorGadget’ extension by clicking on its icon again (at the top right-hand side of the browser window).

Step-7: Navigate to your GTM account and create a new tag of type ‘Universal Analytics’. Name it
something like ‘Send Book Cover Visibility as an event to GA‘:

Step-8: Create the tag with the following configuration: Create the tag with the following configuration:

Step-9: Create a new trigger of type ‘Element Visibility’ with the following configuration:

Step-10: Save the tag and then preview the container.

Step-11: Navigate to the page: and then scroll down the page, until you can see the book banner ad.

Step-12: Check for the ‘gtm.elementVisibility’ event under ‘Summary’ column in the GTM debug
console window:

Step-13: Click on the ‘gtm.elementVisibility’ event. You should now the see tag ‘Send Book Cover
Visibility as an event to GA‘ being displayed under the ‘Tags fired on this event’ section

We can now conclude that the tag which contains the element visibility trigger is firing.

Step-14: Navigate back to your GTM account and then click on the ‘Leave Preview Mode’ link.

Step-15: Publish your container.

Step-16: Navigate to your Google Analytics reporting view and then click on the ‘Top Events‘ link
(under ‘Behavior‘ > ‘Events’) to see the data for the tracked events:

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Tracking clicks external links across a website (exit tracking)

External links are links to other websites from your website.

Tracking clicks on all external links is known as exit tracking or outbound tracking.

Through exit tracking, you can measure the volume of traffic your website is sending out, to other websites. This type of tracking is especially useful if you run an affiliate website.

Follow the steps below to track clicks on all external links on your website via Google Tag Manager:

Step-1: Create a new trigger with following similar configuration:
Trigger Name: Check for clicks on External links
Trigger Type: Click – Just Links 
Check Validation 
1. Enable this trigger when all of these conditions are true: Page URL matches Regex .*2. This trigger fires on: Some Link Clicks3. Fire this trigger when an Event occurs and all of these conditions are true: Click URL does not contain <<>>
Note(1): replace ‘’ by your website name.
Note(2): ‘Click URL’ is a built-in variable in GTM, which returns the ‘URL’ of the clicked link.
Note(3): The ‘Fire this trigger’ condition makes sure, that this trigger does not fire for clicks on the links, which are internal i.e. the links that contain your domain name.

Step-2: Create a new tag with the following configuration which send clicks on external links to Google Analytics:
Tag Name: Send Clicks on external links to Google Analytics
Tag Type: Universal Analytics
Track Type: Event
Category: Traffic to Other Websites
Action: {{Click URL}}
Label: {{Page Path}}
Non-Interaction Hit: True
Firing Triggers: Check for clicks on External links
Note(1): {{Click URL}} is a built-in variable in GTM which returns the URL of the link clicked. You can select this variable from the dropdown menu.
Note(2): {{Page Path}} is a built-in variable in GTM which returns the URL of a web page.

Step-3: Preview your container to make sure that the new tag is firing.

Step-4: If everything is working as intended then publish the new version of your container.

Scroll Tracking via Scroll Depth Trigger in Google Tag Manager

Step 1: Enable the Scrolling Data Layer Variables

In GTM > Your Workspace > Variables > Configure new “Built-In Variable” > Check the three boxes below:

These Data Layer variables are defined as:

  • Scroll Depth Threshold: this is the depth of the user scroll (e.g. 25%, 50%, etc).
  • Scroll Depth Units: this is the % or pixel setting of the scroll.
  • Scroll Direction: this is either vertical or horizontal.

Step 2: Enable the Scroll Depth Trigger

In this step, you’ll enable the built in GTM scroll depth trigger that will help push the Google Analytics custom event data that you’ll configure in step 3 below.

In GTM > Your Workspace > Triggers > Add New Trigger > Select the “Scroll Depth” Trigger Type below:

This is where where the setup becomes subjective to your unique needs:
  • Do you want to measure in percentage or pixels? (I use %)
  • Based on your % or pixel selection, what thresholds do you want to set up as trigger points (e.g. the point in a user’s scroll on your site where you’d like this trigger to fire).
  • Do you want vertical or horizontal scroll depth tracking? (majority of cases this will be vertical)
  • What pages do you want this scroll depth trigger to fire on? (I fire on all*)
*In some cases you may want to limit this to content rich/blog pages only, however having this data on eCommerce home, category, or product pages can unlock potential insights like:
  • Are paid search visitors engaging with my category pages and viewing a good amount of products before exiting?
  • Are users of my product pages scrolling down to view my user generated content that I’m investing a lot of $ into?
  • How does user engagement differ between mobile and desktop?
Here are my settings:

Step 3: Setup your Custom Event Tag

Now you have your variables enabled and trigger created so the final step is pushing this new data into Google Analytics!

In GTM > Your Workspace > Tags > Add New Tag > Select a new Universal Analytics tag where we’ll set up the following details:

  • Track Type: Event
  • Category: I’m using Engagement here to help group similar Event Actions across other tags
  • Action: I’ve selected one of the new GTM Scrolling dataLayer variables {{  Scroll Depth Threshold  }} – which contains the numeric value of % values configured in step 2 above.
  • Label: I’ve selected {{  Page URL  } which is another native variable in GTM that records the page URL that a user is triggering this tag.
  • Non-Interaction Hit: I choose to set this to “True” which means these custom event triggers will not count towards my bounce rate measurement.
Step 4: Confirm this tag is working!

Configure your Preview mode within GTM, then visit your site, and begin scrolling :).

Video Tracking via YouTube Video Trigger In Google Tag Manager

The tracking method which is used to track/capture the various player states of an embedded video is
called ‘video tracking’.

A player state is a specific user interaction with a video.

Following are the example of various player states which can be captured for YouTube videos via GTM:

#1 Start – denotes video is playing.
#2 Pause – denotes video is paused.
#3 Seek – denotes scrub bar is moved to seek or reposition timing within a video.
#4 Buffering – denotes video buffering / downloading.
#5 Progress – denotes the progress of a specific video by percentage or time threshold. For example,
if 5% of the total video length has been played then the value of Progress can be 5%. Similarly, if 10
seconds of video has been played then the value of Progress can be 10 seconds.
#6 Complete – denotes a video finished playing.

Setting up Video Tracking via YouTube Video Trigger In Google Tag Manager

Follow the steps below:

Step-1: Login to your Google Tag Manager (GTM) account and then click on the ‘Folders’ tab:

Step-2: Click on the ‘New Folder’ button.

Step-3: Name your new folder ‘YouTube Video Tracking’ and then click on the ‘create’ button. We are going to use this folder to store all tags, triggers and variables related to YouTube Video tracking.

Step-4: Click on the ‘Variables’ tab:

Step-5: Click on the ‘Configure’ button:

Step-6: Scroll down and then select all the built-in variables related to videos:

1. Video Provider
2. Video Status
3. Video URL
4. Video Title
5. Video Duration
6. Video Current Time
7. Video Percent
8. Video Visible

Step-7: Click on the ‘New’ button under ‘User Defined Variables’ column:

Step-8: Create a new dataLayer variable with following configurations and then move the variable to
the folder named ‘YouTube Video Tracking’:

This dataLayer variable is used to pull the value of gtm.videoElapsedTime from the dataLayer.

The gtm.videoElapsedTime dataLayer variable reports on the time elapsed (in seconds) since the last
time a video was paused or buffered.

Later when we create a new universal analytics tag to send video tracking data to GTM, we are going
to call this dataLayer variable within the tag.

Step-9: Create a new lookup table variable (name it ‘Video Player State’) with following configurations and then move the variable to the folder named ‘YouTube Video Tracking’:

I have created this variable to rewrite the outputs of the ‘video status’ variable.

The ‘video status’ variable is a built-in GTM variable which returns the current video player state.

By re-writing the values of the current player state, I am making the video tracking report in Google Analytics more meaningful for the end users (like my clients) who might not understand what ‘progress’ means or what ‘start’ stands for etc.

Step-10: Click on the ‘Triggers’ tab:

Step-11: Click on the ‘New’ button to create a new trigger.

Step-12: Name your new trigger as ‘YouTube Video Trigger’ and then move the trigger to the folder
named ‘YouTube Video Tracking’ (by clicking on the folder icon next to the trigger name):

Step-13: Choose ‘YouTube Video’ as trigger type:

Your screen should now look like the one below:

Step-14: At this point, you need to decide your video tracking setup:
  • Whether or not you want to measure ‘Pause’, ‘Seeking’, ‘Buffering’ and/or ‘Progress’ Player states.
  • When the progress of videos should be measured?
  • How the progress of videos should be measured? In terms of percentages or time thresholds?
  • Whether or not you want to add JavaScript API support to all YouTube videos
  • What pages the ‘YouTube Video’ trigger should fire.
You can either decide your own video tracking setup or you can use the one I use:

Here, I am measuring all available player states of a YouTube Video.

The progress of my videos should be measured whenever a user passes the following percentage thresholds: 10,25,50,75,90

Add JavaScript API support to all YouTube videos.

The YouTube Video Trigger will fire on all pages of my website.

Step-15: Click on the ‘Save’ button to complete the creation of the new trigger.

Step-16: Click on the ‘Tags’ tab:

Step-17: Click on the ‘New’ button to create a new tag.

Step-18: Name the new tag ‘Send YouTube Video Tracking data to GA’ and then move it to the folder named ‘YouTube Video Tracking’.

Step-19: Set up the new tag with following configuration:

We are going to use this tag to send the video tracking data to Google Analytics.

Step-20: Set the firing trigger of the ‘Send YouTube Video Tracking data to GA’ tag to the ‘YouTube
Video Trigger’ we created earlier:

Step-21: Click on the ‘Save’ button to complete the tag set up.

Step-22: Click on the ‘Preview’ button (on the top right hand side) to preview and test your new video tracking setup:

Step-23: Navigate to the web page on your website where you want to test your new video tracking
setup and which has got a YouTube video embedded on the page.

You should see a ‘preview’ window at the bottom of your browser window:

Step-24: Now play, pause and/or seek the embedded YouTube video.

As you interact with the video player, you should see the new ‘’ event(s) being listed….one
after the other under the ‘Summary’ column:

Step-25: Click on one of the ‘’ events and then click on the ‘Data Layer’ tab:

Step-26: Now look at the values of following data layer variables:

  • is the name of the event that activates the YouTube Video trigger.
  • gtm.videoProvider‘ variable returns the name of the video platform whose videos you are tracking. Its value is ‘youtube’.
  • gtm.videoStatus‘ variable returns the current player state of a video. Its values can be: start, complete, pause, seek, buffering and progress.
  • gtm.videoUrl‘ variable returns the URL of the embedded video.
  • gtm.videoTitle‘ variable returns the the title of the embedded video.
  • gtm.videoDuration‘ variable returns the total length of the embedded video in seconds.
  • gtm.videoCurrentTime‘ variable returns the time (in seconds) where a user was when the last video event fired.
  • gtm.videoElapsedTime‘ variable returns the time elapsed (in seconds) since the last time the video was paused or buffering.
  • gtm.videoPercent‘ variable returns the percentage of the total video length where a user was when the last video event fired.
  • gtm.videoVisible‘ variable returns either true or false, depending on whether or not the embedded video was visible in the viewport when the last video event fired.
If you see the values of the data layer variables then it means, YouTube video tracking is working correctly.

Step-27: Navigate back to your GTM account and then click on the ‘Leave Preview mode’ button:

Step-28: Click on the ‘submit’ button (on the top right hand side):

Step-29: Enter your version name and then click on the ‘Publish’ button.

Step-30: Navigate back to the web page on your website which has got a YouTube video embedded on the page. Now play, pause and/or seek the embedded YouTube video.

Step-31: Wait for 10-15 minutes and then navigate to ‘Behavior’ > ‘Events’ > ‘Top Events’ report in your Google Analytics view:

Step-32: Find and click on ‘YouTube Videos Tracking’ event category:

In this event category you can find all of your video tracking data: