Monday, 9 October 2017


User-agent: *

Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
Allow: /wp-includes/*.js
Allow: /wp-includes/*.css
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Disallow: /tag/


  • * is a wildcard that represents any sequence of characters
  • $  matches the end of the URL

Onpage Task List

First Month

Review and Analysis
Keyword Research & Analysis
Website Analysis
Baseline Ranking
Keyword Mapping Sheet
Duplicate Content Check
Competitor Analysis

Set-up & Configuration
Google GA/GWT Setup
Bing Webmasters Tools Setup
Robots.txt Creation and Optimization

On Page Optimization
Meta Tags Creation and Optimization
Internal Link Structuring and Optimization
Header Tag Optimization (H1, H2)
Image and Hyperlink Optimization
Existing Content Optimization
XML Sitemap Creation, Implementation & Submission
Navigation Analysis
Google+ Business & Local Listing Optimization

Second Month

Header status check
Check Crawl Errors
Check Website Page Speed
HTML Sitemap Creation & Implementation
No Follow External Links
Footer Optimization
Pagination Tags on Site
Apply Schema/ Structured Data
Geo/ KML Sitemap Generation
Goal Setup
New Page Creation
Social Sharing Buttons
URL Rewriting

Reference: Onpage Task File List

On-Page SEO Checklist

  • Understand and match search intent
  • Increase topical relevance of a page
  1. Analyze the top ranking page
  2. Use google auto suggest
  3. Use people also ask
  4. Use aherfs Content Gap
  • Use short and descriptive URLs
  • Add target keyword into the title, meta description, and H1 tag
  1. Small correlation between ranking and strategic placement of exact match keywords
  2. It helps to understand your page is relevant to their search query
  3. Use connecting keyword in place of exact match keywords
  • Optimize images with alt tags
  • Add structured data
  • Make sure your content is simple and easy to read
  1. Avoid big words
  2. Use short sentences and paragraphs
  3. Write as you speak
  4. Use hemingway App to get readability score