Facebook Ads

1. Overview

2. Advertising Objectives

3. Specification: Image ads, Video ads, Carousel adsCollection ads

  • 1: 1 aspect ratio - 1080 × 1080 px
  • 16:9 aspect ratio - 1080 × 1920 px
  • 1.91:1 aspect ratio - 1200 x 628 px

4. Targeting option in FB outside India and earlier lived in India

5. Optimization technique:
  • Follow ad account structure by maintaining 2-3 ads under each ad set. You can use the single image/carousel/video type ads under each ad set. By this way, we can identify the audience's interests towards the ad format.
  • You can use the CBO technique to find which line of audiences are potential one. Never mix the audiences in the ad sets of the CBO based campaigns.
  • Test with the videos in the ad level of the lead generation campaigns.
  • Add a few more filtering questions in the lead form as we discussed in the call.
  • Always be on top of your competitors ads by analyzing their ads on the ads library.
  • Please follow the creative dimensions also. You can refer to the deck for the creative dimensions which are mentioned by the ad platform.
  • You can also target the potential audience by selecting the industry based audiences in the detailed targeting section.
  • Look on these points, if possible add these in the creatives: 
  1. Book a home visit feature
  2. No cost EMI facility
  3. Project completion duration
  4. Video popping up on the landing page - how the work process initiated/completed
  • Refer to this creative hub link for testing all the creatives on different placements in & Mobile studio for creating creative content through mobile. 
  • Few of your ads are hitting the low CTR, this will impact the cost per result. So, try to implement 2-3 different formats of ads under each ad set.
  • Enable the dynamic creative option at the ad set level.
  • Select the optimization for ad delivery as leads instead of conversion leads. As you told me in the 1st connect, you want more leads. This conversion leads optimization will reduce the little lead count but it will try to give more conversion behavior leads. 
  • In Carousel Ads Format -  Set Automatically show the best-performing cards first
  • You should scale your Facebook ads when the following apply:
  1. Satisfactory ROAS on your ad set
  2. Low cost per click (CPC)
  3. Ad frequency between 1.8 and 4
  4. High number of impressions
  5. Relevance score as close to 10 as possible
  • The 2 Ways of Scaling Your Facebook Ads
  1. Horizontal Scaling: Adding new ad sets to a campaign or even duplicating existing ads with a good ROAS with the purpose of reaching a wider audience.
  2. Vertical Scaling: The vertical scaling strategy requires you to increase your ad budget (typically with around 10-25%) every few days for the most profitable ads on your account.


1. Ad Library - Facebook

2. Find Hidden Facebook Audiences for Free - Without Tool
